Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Movies with Marimar

Everyday I am grateful for blessings of friendship.  I have been really enjoying the company of Umberto, my friend who is the staff meal chef in the kitchen of the Blue Shrimp.  He gets a hard time at work because he is gay and small and sweet.  He just takes it and goes about his business, even though I think a lot of people are rude and would love him to stand up and tell them off.  But no.  We have been going out for happy hour occasionally when he finishes at 5.  There's a cool place facing the malacon that has 2 for 1 drinks, a jukebox and free popcorn.  What else does one need?  I have noticed that Umberto can really pack away the beer.  His nickname is Marimar, (after a soap opera character from one of the dramatic mexican telenovelas) and we gab about men, about dreams, about past loves, about music.  It's so nice to be close to a guy and not have any sexual agenda get in the way.  I love him dearly.

We have been to the movies a couple of times and the last time, we chose a mexican film called Defecit.  The directoral debut of Gaen Gabriel Garcia.  It really sucked as a movie but it was awesome as a language tool for me!  Lots and lots of slang and current speech and it was still compelling enough to keep my attention even though it had a dumb ending.  I was so impressed with myself and only had to ask Marimar two questions about the plot.  I have been known to get very lost in plots while watching movies in english!  So, this was cool.

Afterwards, we went to the Mega grocery store, next door to the theatre as I needed a couple of things.  Marimar showed me the procedure to procure baked goods and explained a few things I have always wanted to know about.  Finally, I got to eat churros, something I've been waiting for months to try.  It's a Mexican doughnut, shaped in a long stick with cinnamon and sugar.  Mmm.

We had fun in the grocery store and then saw the most spectacular sunset from the street, it was a ball of fire, very big and something I didn't know actually happened.  I thought big orange balls of sun were only present in romantic unrealistic paintings you seen in the malls.  But it actually happens.  We took the bus and laughed all the way back downtown where we sat out on my balcony, listening to mexican music, drinking cold beer and people watching.

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