Monday, June 22, 2009

Moving & Nesting

I'm sitting minding my own business at my art desk in my big bedroom when a cockroach flies through the shutters that fell open 5 minutes ago and lands on my chest.  I'm convinced he bit me and now my question has certainly been answered that those fat ugly bastards really do fly.  Despite my palpitating heart after a blood curdling scream and much flapping about,

I am reassured that possibly the three that I have had to squish so far since moving to new downtown digs a month ago, might not be taking up residence but only popping in occasionally to see what's on the menu.  One was munching non-chalantly in my dog's food bowl yesterday like he owned the place.  He was of a size that I could have put a leash and collar on him and taken him for a walk.  The other night, walking my dog, I heard a scuttling and thought someone was coming up from behind on the narrow mexican sidewalk, when I turned to look and saw a cockroach zooming full speed attempting to pass us. I am not exagerating.  It's a bit of an adjustment to say the least.

I have been adjusting a lot lately.  Since moving out of my little corridor with a bed on the flavourful  Calle Aquiles Serdan, I have moved a second and third time (and hopefully final for a while).  The last place had fleas and I felt like I was living in the slums of India, where you could hear people living.  Although it was close to the market, I could get fresh juice around the corner and there was a river and a little garden at the corner, I unfortunately had to leave.  

Now, 2 blocks from the Malecon, 2 blocks from the famous Puerto Vallarta icon Cathedral de la Guadalupe and 2 blocks from a really bad laundry, I am attempting to nest.  It is now officially rainy season and boy has it been raining.  Seems heavy, hotter and earlier this year.  Maddie, my sweet fluffy dog who really needs a haircut, lies in front of the fan, sometimes prone on her back with her pink belly protruding, muy a gusto.  Very comfy looking.  She looks like a fashion model dog; her fluffy hair blowing sideways over her eyes. Her Mexican name is Magdalena; sounds like a fashion model actually. God she is adorable.  She is enjoying the walks on the beach when I allow her to be a dirty dog.  Other times, we walk along the sea wall and I don't need to hose the sand off her; just clean her paws.

I really got this place with Maddie in mind.  The beach is close by, and the sofas are extra low here, so she can jump on them easily from the tile floor.  I am convinced she appreciates it all - especially the fan.

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