Friday, March 7, 2008

My House in the Jungle

I'm awake inside my mosquito netted bed on the upper portion of the casa that is mine for a month.  It is wooden planked floor with a half wall open to the outside with a view of the Bay of Yelapa.  I am facing northeast, so the sun rises up from the hills on my right and floods the room with light.  Even when I sleep with earplugs in, the roosters, chokalakas (a type of wild turkey) dogs, and early morning workers make it impossible to have peace & quiet or sleep in.  These are the sounds of this little part of Mexico.  Off the beaten path, my place is next to the very last house (almost) along the big dirt road which continues its climb to eventually connect to the only back road out of Yelapa, requiring a 4x4 trip through the jungle. 

I see dirt, lots of dirt.  The powdery kind; polvo, that gets into all my footwear no matter which kind.  Even though the climb up here from town is partly cemented, partly cobblestoned, it's still a footwear challenge that I've so far been able to take on with simple walmart flip flops.  At anytime on the walk, there's a great potential for a long, limb-threatening skid.  

Yesterday, the hens were nesting in the little garden bushes with the rooster, who is very proud and ultra chido (cool) There are one hell of a lot of roosters here.(Un chingon)   Must be happy chickens.  I'll have to find some eggs.  There was a donkey outside my window the other day, eating part of the banana tree.

Photos are view from my gate, my bedroom, and view from the bed.


Huggsman said...


looking forward to seeing those pictures. Yes, you do look relaxed.

Are you dancing, teaching or just nothing.


Lana said...

I passed that donkey yesterday when I left a package on your porch. He was not eating banana leaves, however he did swish at me with his tail.

I'm sorry I didn't get to say a proper goodbye, but I'm glad to have met you in Yelapa. I love meeting people I can talk to easily, and you're definitely in that category.

If ever you're in Seattle, look me up. I'd love to see you again. And of course, there's always Yelapa. We'll be there, same time next year.
