Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Big Sur

Wow, this place is stunning.  It was a 5 hour drive from San Fran, but only 4 hours on the way back.  I guess I knew where I was going on the return trip!  The geographical variety was overwhelming, everything from dry grape growing regions to lush hilly country to flat black rich earth, freshly planted with lettuce and many mature crops.  This is where all the veggies in my part of the country come from, in winter especially.  As I was coming into a place called Sea Side (I think) the sand dunes started forming and the ocean became visible.  The sand was light and sculpted by the wind with a little vegetation on top.  Kids had climbed them and using some kind of culled sea vegetation, formed names in the sand.  It was a beautiful mounding frame work to the huge ocean behind it.  I was so excited I stopped to get a better look.  It only improved the further south I traveled; dunes morphing into cliffs etched by the sea, the sandy earth forming giant clay coloured fingers which once past the cut out highway, softened into rolling and gradually flatter green scrub, resembling lush park land.  Further south, the cliffs transformed off and on into high cliffs that most days I discovered, were surrounded by a thin misty veil.  How magical.

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